Monday, August 24, 2009

MCQ: Love or Hate it

So sorry this got posted late...some things came up and I got way behind..ugh...

Every Monday questions are posted that I hope are a little thought provoking!
This is just a short meme meant to have some quick fun and not get too tedious! Copy and paste the questions onto your blog, answer the questions and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN IN MR LINKY Below to let everyone know where your answers are.
Post pictures in your answers to the meme if you want to! Some questions may be rated a little PG or R
Have fun!

1. The new sports season is about to you love it or hate it?

2. What's your favorite of the sports and what team?

3. Do you get snow where you live? Do you love it or hate it?

4. You got stopped by a cop who tells you were speeding. Do you explain some made up story as to why you were speeding or deny it and try to get out of it?

5. You just had a fight with the person you are closest to. Do you not speak to them until they apologize...or do you apologize first.

6. What do you love about this time of year?

7. Your doctors says you need more exercise....what do you take up for exercise?

8. If you could travel in time...where in time would you go? Why?

Please Join in every week and please leave your link in the MR Linky box below- to tell us where your answers are. Leave a COMMENT also,if you'd like, to tell us that you have participated in this weeks theme. If you can, read the answers from other members and leave them a comment.

Thanks so much for's great to see such interest!!!

Please invite your friends to play also!


  1. I was wondering where you were. lol

  2. Phew! You saved me Lani - I thought I was actually going to have to think of something to write about! ;->

  3. Mines up...not as good as I wanted it to be but no time LOL I was wondering if your computer problems came alive again :)

  4. what? did ya think i wasn't gonna show?

