Sunday, July 26, 2009

MCQ: A MEME: threesomes and bad habits

This weeks meme: threesomes and bad habits
Welcome to the July 27th version of Monday Crazy Questions.(which is posted by Sunday eve)
Every Monday questions are posted that I hope are a little thought provoking!
This is just a short meme meant to have some quick fun and not get too tedious! Copy and paste the questions onto your blog, answer the questions and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN IN MR LINKY Below to let everyone know where your answers are.
Post pictures in your answers to the meme if you want to!
Have fun!

1. Your mate or spouse or the person you have known on a personal level for quite a while, comes to you and suggests that things need to be spiced up and suggests a threesome. what is your reaction?

Awesome Threesome

2. you are doing the shopping at the grocery store and there is one bad habit you wish your mate would give up and it's on your list to buy. Do you conveniently forget the item or go ahead and feed their habit?

Abbott, TexasImage via Wikipedia

3. Your spouse/mate/date is driving and you are feeling seriously scared about the speed the they are traveling. You have already complained twice about their driving skills. Do you demand they slow down? or bite your lip? Will they call you a backseat driver and will an argument more than likely breakout?

Wanna go for a ride?

4. Your neighbors put their dogs out at 630 AM everyday and they bark non stop and wake you up. How do you handle the problem?

5. Tell us about something that you can do that more than likely not a lot of other people can do.

6. Do you still have any of your childhood toys that might be worth some money?

7. what is/was your all time favorite Beatles Song??

8. If you felt motivated to really tighten up the house hold budget, what item would you need to give up to save money?

Please Join in every week and please leave your link in the MR Linky box below- to tell us where your answers are. Leave a COMMENT also,if you'd like, to tell us that you have participated in this weeks theme. If you can, read the answers from other members and leave them a comment.

Thanks so much for's great to see such interest!!!


  1. i've been here and laughed out loud. mine are scheduled to post in the morning - after all - that's monday!


  2. can post it anytime tho!! be sure to sign into mr Linky so people will come read your answers!!! Hugs

  3. Yay! Another Crazy Monday.. I've posted mine :)

  4. Back from business trip... and participating in MCQ again.
